Go-Serve 2024 Mission Trip Registration Form
All mission trip participants must: 1. Be over 18 years of age 2. Be approved for mission participation by a church leader 3. Have an adequate level of English 4. Pay a US$200 refundable deposit with their registration submission 5. Pay for the mission trip one month before the trip commences Please complete this registration form in full. If you are having problems with submitting this form or processing your payment please contact us at ibcm@ibcm.net. Please note that there are a limited number of positions available. We look forward to having you as part of the Go-Serve 2024 mission trips. The IBCM Network Team

1. Valid Passport (with at least 6 months remaining to expiry date)
2. Credit/Debit Card - to pay your deposit
3. Details of your church leader who will be contacted for your reference.


Will be used by IBCM Network staff for mission team contact only.
All participants must be able to speak in English


Will be used by IBCM Network staff for mission team contact only.



Detail here any previous mission or ministry experience you have.


All amounts are in US dollars.
Refundable deposit of US$200 is payable now.
Balance of fees are payable one month prior to commencement of the mission trip.
Please note that an increase in costs may be required if airtravel increases significantly.
Medical Travel Insurance will cost US$50 each.
Amounts are in US dollars.
Cambodia - gifts will support sponsoring leaders to the national conference.
Italy - gifts will support refugee relief work.
Rwanda - gifts will support the Teens For Christ ministry.
Amounts are in US dollars
Amounts are in US dollars
For this transaction Stripe, a secure international transfer money agency will be used.

Mission Trip Covenant

As a member of this team I purpose to adhere to the following team covenant:
1. I will serve the overall purpose of the team.
2. I will respect and submit myself to the team leadership.
3. I will preserve and protect the unity of the team.
4. I will use complete discretion when relating to members of the opposite sex.
5. I will respect the local culture and avoid public criticism of their way of life.
6. I will give 100% of my energy to the team when in the country.
7. I will not pursue any personal interests during the mission trip.
8. I will be punctual to all team events unless excused by a team leader.
9. I will strive to be a person of integrity in all my actions and attitudes.
10. If at any time while on mission my behaviour constitutes a problem, the team leader has the authority to ask me to return home. Any additional costs incurred, as a result of this action will be at my expense.

I declare that I am a member or associate of a Christian Brethren church or organisation. I understand that by submitting this form I confirm that the information given on this booking form is accurate and that I recognize that it is necessary for IBCM Network to hold and process the personal data provided for the purposes of the Go-Serve 2024 mission trips only, and to communicate with me about it.

I also undertake to ensure that:
1. I have my own medical insurance.
2. I meet the visa requirements of the mission country.
3. I agree to abide by the Go-Serve mission trip team covenant.
4. I will pay the balance of the Go-Serve mission trip by one month prior to its commencement.
5. I will book and pay for my own flights to the mission trip destination.

I will not hold the leaders of the Go-Serve mission trip responsible for any accident or loss incurred on my part.